
Academic diplomas

Aimed at candidates that wish to follow an advanced training program in music and obtain academic diplomas. The course can be attended online.

The course can last from 3 to 5 years.

There will be an online entrance exam as well as intermediate exams to certify the levels of study achieved. 

The academic diplomas can be accredited in agreement with universities and conservatories. 

The connections with different music institutions allow students to benefit from a variety of activities and facilities.

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The Academic courses combine theory and practice as they include laboratories and concerts alongside theoretical preparation in all training paths offered.

The studies are carried out throughout a period of  years (first-level academic diploma) plus  2 years (second-level academic diploma).

The completion of the course requires the attainment of 180 credits for the first 3 years and 120 credits for the 2 years, allocated according to the personalized study plan of each student.

In-person attendance to classes is mandatory for 30% of theoretical subjects and 60% of the theoretical-practical ones. Students are also expected to pass the final exam of each subject attended.


  • Mandatory core subject: Solo Performance.
    Instrumental technique, repertoire development, interpretation. Public concerts.
  • Mandatory core subject: Activities of the faculty.
    Piano practice for opera singers or instrumentalists (first year, Duo, Chamber music, Repertoire for soloist and orchestra, Second instrument, Theory and analysis, History of the Repertoire, History of Music, development of the personal Portfolio.
  • Supporting academic studies and optional subjects.
    Piano practice, Therapeutic Singing, Informatics, Music journalism, Foreign language (Italian for foreigners, English), Principles of musical education, Performing arts management.
    The optional subjects can be studied at the partner institutions or at institutions recognized by the Board of Education of the Academy.

Additional information

please contact the management of the academy in pesaro directly at the email address   accademia@cimp.it